Frequently Asked Questions
How much is my water bill going to cost?
The amount on your monthly water bill will vary depending on your family size and water usage. The amount of water you use in a month changes depending on how many showers are taken, how much laundry is done, if the yard is being watered, and so on. The minimum charge on the water bills is $61.63.
You will also notice a change in your bill if you have company for a long week-end, or your family visits for a period of time. This change is due to more showers, laundry, and general water usage.
What are we charged for on the Wolcott utility bill?
On the first of each month you will receive a bill from the Town for water usage. Readings are from the 15th to the 15th of the month. Bills are due and owing upon receipt. Customers have until the 15th of the month to pay their bill before a penalty will be added to their bill and a disconnect notice sent out.
Your bill reflects charges for more than just water. It also includes sewer usage, storm water and trash collection.
What are the options for paying my Wolcott water bill?
You may pay your bill in person, by mail, by dropping payment in the drop box located on the building by the door. You may pay with card, cash, check, or money order or online. To pay online, see the tab at the top of every website page, use the button below or click to pay your utility bill here. A $2.95 convenience fee will be added to your charge for each payment by credit card. If your payment is over $300, the convenience fee will rise.
How can I find out what is going on with the Wolcott Town Council?
You can read Wolcott Town Council meeting minutes on this page. All minutes are posted soon after the meeting.
What is the cost for a water meter?
The cost to have water turned on and the bill put into your name is $150 for homeowners and $200 for renters.
When is trash pickup and what are the rules?
Trash pickup is on Friday, trash needs to be out by 6:00 am. Trash must be bagged, even in a receptacle. You may put out trash at noon on Thursday; but all receptacles should be removed from curb side by dusk Friday night. The holidays observed by our current trash company is New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th , Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. If those holidays fall on or before Thursday trash will be picked up on Friday. If you have a large item to be picked up you must call the Town Hall at (219)279-2216 to be put on a list. OnPoint will only pick up one large item per week. The phone number for OnPoint is (574)228-5700.
What is the policy about dogs running at large in town?
See Town Ordinance No. 2007-08.
What is the telephone number for the Post Office?
What time does the Town Hall open?
The town halls' business hours are: Monday thru Friday, 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM. Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.
How do I get a building permit?
Contact White County Area Plan for remodeling/building rules regarding permits 574-583-7355.
Anson Wolcott Historical Society
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Indiana State Board of Accounts
Audit Report Filings
Wolcott in the top 10 of Towns to move to in Indiana.
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