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August 2, 2022 - Council Meeting



















Opened with the pledge of allegiance

Approval of the minutes from June and July. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to approve the minutes. Council member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 3-0

Approval of the July Financials: Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to approval the financials. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 2-1 Council Member Rex Pearson voted nay do to not reading the financials

1. Department Heads reports:

Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater- Construction is going well. Construction should be finished by the end of July.

Robert Thomas: Water/Street-No report

Marshal Jared Baer: Town Marshal-wants to amend the golf cart ordinance. He would like to include all

Four wheels, slow moving sign and proper lights.

Lori Bussell: Park Board-No report

Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director- No report

Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department-No report

Sandy Miller- RWCDC and Food Pantry- No report

Jenell Hofstetter KIRPC- Comprehensive plan was discussed. Head Start is needing help.

Michael J Johnson: WCEDC- No Report

Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee- Small town meeting. Discussed the building of homes

Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- Summer Festival went very well. Wanted to get

Permission for the Summer Festival in 2023. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made a motion to have the

2023 Summer Festival. Council member Rex Pearson Second the motion. Motion carried 3-0

George Blissett: Main St Committee- The Committee is planning a Fall Festival and Winter Bazaar. Dates

will be determined at their next meeting.

Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- Jacob has had contact with Janell’s attorney. They are ready to proceed with

what the Council has voted on or to new negotiations.

Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- TREC Collection. The TREC program is a collection agency. The

Client submits the info to TREC. TREC finds the people that need to pay a back bill. If the person doesn’t

Pay, the moneys will be deducted from their tax refund. This is done at no cost to the town. Council Vice

President asks how long before we turn the bill over to Collections. We have a system that we use to try and collect the debt. It takes 60 days before we turn the debt over to be collected.

Old Business:

Robert Bellucci CommonWealth

Ø August Status Report for WWTP Project

Ø Contractor PPA14

Ø CEI Invoice 53208

Ø Change Order No. 1 (this was approved last month and just requires Cameron’s signature)

The new WWTP is online and performance is continuing to improve now that we have dialed the

Oxidation ditch to running 1 of the 3 rings to accommodate lower flows/loading.

Final wall concrete will be poured for the new sludge holding tank scheduled for 08-03-2022.

Ongoing sitework; electrical; / instrumental & controls work; and previously approved change order #1 activities.

Items for the Council to approve:

TCI PPA #14 =$337,345.00

CEI Invoice #53208=$38,607.45 (CE/ RPR/ Post CE / O&M / Start-up / AIS / AMP)

Items for the Council to discuss and approve

Proposed CO#2 = $93,797.50

T&M associated with locating existing force mains from industrial park - $12,173.

Additional support/access along 20” header in oxidation ditch- $10,164

Additional stairs and landing to improve access between the clarifiers and the oxidation ditch. –


Council Member Rex Pearson made the motion to approve CO#2. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0

Ø August Status Report for Water

Ø CEI has connected with F&K (RUSS); I was redirected to Chad Kuns and am waiting for a call back to schedule the site visit.

Ø Received PPA request #3B fir KDM (mob / demob; service line reconnections; and testing / disinfection of new 8” WM)

Ø Received cost from KDM associated additional work authorized inclusive of installation of water line, valve, and hydrant across from Janell’s property and replacement of existing hydrants and additional isolation valves (see below for PPA #3C)

Ø Also received change order request for KDM associated with potholing; televising existing sewer of confirm sewer additional locations; supplemental granular fill; additional mobilization costs; and additional restraints required at the connection to the existing DG WM.

Ø These costs are currently under review for comparison to original scope work to confirm if quantity adjustment credits are due based upon actual work performed.

Ø KDM PPA #3B = $49,362.000

Ø KDM PPA #3C= $53,43750.

Council Member Rex Pearson made the motion to pay claims #3B and #3C. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Windmill update: They have received the permit to be able to keep their offices at 11854 W US 24 Wolcott.

Baker-Tilly- Working on the water rate study for the URT tax reduction.

Water and Meeting amendments were table until September 6 meeting.

TIF: The committee has two more meetings to complete so we can send over the paperwork to George Loy.

Contract with Monon to be able to have Tony Rodgers Help with training our new wastewater employee.

Monon is wanting us to send them $1000.00 Every month. Clerk-Treasurer recommended that the Council not agree to this Contract. Tony can come over after hours and do paperwork. Decided to table until September 6 meeting.

Resident George Blissett let the Council know that there has been damage to his lawn. The construction trucks are clipping George’s lawn when coming out of the plant. Rob did say that the construction company will take care of the damage.

Marilyn Maxwell Wolcott Main Street Committee: Marilyn wanted to get permission to go for a grant for Main Street. The grant is for the old liquor store. Council Member

Resident Walter Owens asks if 3rd street could be paved when the paving is done. Council President Cameron Emond did say that 3rd street will be on the list.

Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 3-0

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