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February 4, 2025 - Council Meeting

Council Meeting

February 4, 2025

6:00 pm

Present:          Council President: Cameron Emond, Council Vice President: Betty Hoster

Council Members: Darwin Miller and Janet Gross

Clerk Treasurer: Judy Thomas, Utility Clerk: Breanna Plantenga, Deputy Clerk: Karie Holder

Wastewater Superintendent: Jeff Province

Town Marshal: Jared Baer, Deputy Marshal: JR Northcutt

Other: Daryl Orns, Steve Young, Bill Brooks, David Roth, Michelle Earney, Sandy Miller, Kenneth Burns, Janell Hofstetter, Marilyn Young, Robin Foley, Leroy Simon, Robert Thomas, Jennilynn Kyburz, Karen Evans, and Ken Smith.

Absent:           Town Attorney: Jacob Ahler and Council Member Michael Johnson


Council President Cameron Emond opened the Council Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The January 7, 2025 Council Meeting Minutes, January 7, 2025 Executive Meeting Minutes, and January 21, 2025 Council Meeting Minutes were presented for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the minutes. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Jennilynn Kyburz, White County Area Plan, presented Ordinance A-81 Amendment for approval, regarding renewable energy. Council Vice President Betty Hoster made a motion to approve the A-81 amendment. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Jennilynn then presented Ordinance A-82 Amendment regarding renewable energy. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the A-82 amendment. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion, Motion carried 4-0.

Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Province reported that the Wastewater Plant is doing good, after the deep freeze. Jeff is working with Marshal Jared Baer to auction off a generator at the Wastewater Plant. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to list the generator with $25,000 as the minimum bid. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Robert Thomas reported on behalf on Water Superintendent Justin Bowman, that the big leak on the highway will be getting fixed this week.

Marshal Jared Baer reported that the camera in the police department interview room needs repaired. The camera company is working on repairing the camera. Jared then expressed concern over unsecure cameras in the Clerk Treasure’s Office. Jared stated that he has spoken with the county prosecutor and the town attorney on how to proceed. Jared reported that the Wolcott Police Department has a new K-9, named Kilo. Kilo’s training will begin on February 17th. He will be trained in drug detection, and will be a non-bite dog. The cost for Kilo, and his training, has all been sponsored, and will come at no cost to the Town. There was then much discussion over whether having a K-9 in Wolcott is necessary. Jared explained that his priority is to keep the streets and schools safe.

Ambulance Director Steve Young presented the Council with a quote for a new ambulance. Clerk Treasurer Judy Thomas told Steve that she is unsure if the funds are available for a new ambulance. The price of the new ambulance would be $359,256.00. The ambulance would not be ready until July 2025. Council President Cameron Emond asked Steve if the Town could back out of the contract, if the funds were not there. Steve said that he would double check with the company to find out. After much discussion on whether toe Town could afford a new ambulance, Clerk Treasurer Judy Thomas stated that the funds should be there. Council Member Janet Gross made a motion for the approval of a new ambulance. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Town Marshal Jared Baer stated that he is currently speaking with the county to work on getting money from court fees.

Janet Gross, KIRPC representative, presented her report from their most recent meeting. Janet attended a class for new officials, with KIRPC. Janet warned the residents that she learned about fraudulent checks, sent from Bank of America. Janet also expressed concern over White County not having any Head Start programs available.

Michelle Earney, Summer Festival Committee, presented the upcoming festival dates, being on July 4th and 5th of this year. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the festival dates, located at the park. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Marilyn Young, Mainstreet Committee, reported that they will be supplying each of the Tri County fourth graders with Bobby the Wonder Dog books. Mainstreet will be discussing details of several events coming up, at their next meeting.

Clerk Treasurer Judy Thomas reported that the Wastewater checking account is low. The Town is having a hard time keeping up with bills that need paid out of the Wastewater account. Judy asked the Council for permission to close the Wastewater HIFI account, and move the funds to the Wastewater checking account. Council Vice President Betty Hoster made a motion to close the Wastewater HIFI account and move the funds to the Wastewater checking account. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Judy notified the Council that she has purchased and placed Blink cameras for her office and the file room. Council President Cameron Emond voiced concern over the Blink cameras having audio surveillance on them, as it is not allowed per the handbook policy. Cameron also stated that cameras in a government building need to be closed circuit, for privacy protection. Marshal Jared Baer stated that the security cameras that the Town currently have, are closed circuit and do not contain audio, with the exception of the interview room in the police department. After much discussion, Sherriff Bill Brooks notified the town that he believes that there is wrong doing by Town Members, regarding the cameras, and that he has turned the case over to the Indiana State Police.

Judy asked the Council for permission to change the lock to her office, due to Marshal Jared Baer having a master key. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion for Judy to change the locks. Council member Janet Gross second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

The Council opened bids for the replacement of the decorative street light bulbs in town. The Town received two bids. The Council asked Clerk Treasurer Judy Thomas if the Town has the funds to replace the lights. Judy stated that she was unsure if the funds are available to replace the lights. After some discussion, Council Vice President Betty Hoster made a motion to table the issue to give Judy time to figure out finances. Council member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Council member Darwin Miller stated that the Tri County BPA is wanting to host a community breakfast fundraiser. Darwin also expressed frustration over Council Members making decisions as one, rather than as a whole.

A resident brought up concerns about how the streets are plowed in town, regarding plowing driveways in.

Some residents requested that the Town notify residents when there will be a sewer line jetted.

Ken Smith presented the Council with the 2024 Community Crossing Grant closeout letter.

A resident brought forward some concern over firemen’s compensation not being enough. It was explained that the Fire Chief is the one who sets the amount that the firemen get per fire run.

Few community members pledged to donate monthly to the Wolcott Police Department to assist with the cost of dog food for K-9 Kilo. The Council requested that Marshal Jared Baer bring Kilo into the meeting to introduce him to the public. Jared brought Kilo into the meeting. Council Vice President Betty Hoster made a motion to keep Kilo on the Wolcott Police Department. Council Member Janet Gross second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned.





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