Council Meeting
January 21, 2025
6:00 pm
Present: Council President: Cameron Emond, Council Vice President: Betty Hoster
Council Members: Michael Johnson, Darwin Miller, and Janet Gross
Clerk Treasurer: Judy Thomas, Utility Clerk: Breanna Plantenga, Deputy Clerk: Karie Holder
Wastewater Superintendent: Jeff Province
Other: Chloe Miller, Steve Young, Ken Smith, Larry Klink, Janell Hofstetter, and Kenneth Burns.
Absent: Town Attorney: Jacob Ahler
Council President Cameron Emond opened the Council Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The January 7th Council Meeting Minutes were presented for approval. Council Vice President Betty Hoster made a motion to table to minutes, due to corrections that need to be made. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
The December 2024 Financials were presented for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the financials. Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Province announced that he is looking at pricing for a new truck and cameras for the plants. Jeff also reported that he is working on selling one of the generators at that plant, that is not being used. Jeff notified the Council that he is scheduled to take his Wastewater test on February 28th.
Ambulance Directo, Steve Young, requested that the Town put out a notice to residents about keeping sidewalks cleared off for emergency services.
Fire Chief, Kenneth Burns, stated that there are a lot of homes in town that do not have house numbers on their homes. These numbers need to be posted on the homes, to help emergency personnel locate the correct homes.
Discussion was had about Ordinance Violation fees needing to be enforced by the Town.
Janet Gross, KIRPC representative, reported that she will be attending an orientation for new members for KIRPC.
Michael Johnson, White County Economic Development representative, reported what was discussed at the latest meeting.
Betty Hoster, White County Area Plan representative, reported that Area Plan will be at the next Council Meeting to present a renewable energy ordinance.
Darwin Miller, Mainstreet Committee, reported that they will be taking the Christmas decorations down, when the weather warms up.
Clerk Treasurer, Judy Thomas, presented a resignation letter to the Council from Matt Hall, regarding his resignation letter from the Park Board. Judy also mentioned some repairs that need to be done in the Town Hall.
The Town will be accepting bids to retrofit 22 street lights in town.
Ambulance Director, Steve Young, notified the Council that he is looking into purchasing a new Ambulance for the Ambulance Department. A new Ambulances runs anywhere from $350,000 to $400,000. After much discussion, Clerk Treasurer Judy Thomas stated that the Town will not have a clear picture on whether or not the funds will be available, until the books get straightened out.
Ken Smith notified the Council that the next round for the Community Crossing Grant is coming up. The Council will come up with some streets to apply for the grant.
Council Member Janet Gross announced that the Tri County Culinary Class will be providing dinner for the upcoming Senior Café.
Council Member Darwin Miller stated that he wants the Town employees to clean up the highway this year. Much discussion was had on whether Town employees are allowed to work on the highway or not. No decisions were made.
Meeting adjourned.