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January 7, 2025 - Council Meeting

Updated: Feb 21

January 7, 2025

Council Meeting Minutes

Present:           Council President: Cameron Emond, Vice President: Betty Hoster

Council Members: Darwin Miller, Michael Johnson, Janet Gross

Clerk Treasurer: Judy Thomas, Deputy Clerk: Karie Holder

Water Superintendent: Justin Bowman

Wastewater Superintendent: Jeff Province

Streets Dept: Vince Hall

Town Marshal: Jared Baer

Town Attorney: Jacob Ahler

Other: Daryl Orns, Steve Young, Kenneth Burns, Marilyn Young, Marilyn Maxwell, Robin Foley, Leroy Simon, Michelle Brzyckie, Katina Farney, Emmy Wang, Jannell Hofstetter, Jason Stoller, Heather Koshenina.

Absent:           Utility Clerk: Breanna Plantenga

Council President Cameron Emond opened the Council Meeting with the pledge of allegiance.

Newly elected council members Michael Johnson, and Janet Gross were sworn in, and signed their Oath of Office.

All Council Members signed the Nepotism Agreement.

The Council voted on Council President and Vice President. Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion for Cameron Emond to be the Council President. Council Member Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion for Betty Hoster to be Council Vice President. Council Member Janet Gross second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Department heads were presented for approval:

Water Superintendent- Justin Bowman

Wastewater Superintendent- Jeffery Province

Street Department Superintendent – Vince Hall

Town Marshal- Jared Baer

Fire Chief- Kenneth Burns

Ambulance Director- Steve Young

Park Board- Lori Bussell

Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion to approve the department heads. Council member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to use The News & Review and Herald Journal as the Town’s primary newspaper. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to keep the Bank of Wolcott as the Town’s primary bank. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the 2025 contract for Attorney Jacob Ahler to provide Legal Representation for The Town of Wolcott for 2025. Council Member Janet Gross second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

The approval of membership dues was presented for the following organizations: Indiana Association of Cities & Towns, Indiana League of Municipal Clerks & Treasures, International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Indiana Rural Water Alliance, American Water Works Association, and Alliance Rural Water, AIM Legal Council for the Clerk’s league. Council Vice President Betty Hoster made a motion to approve the membership dues for 2025. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion to approve the contract for janitorial services for Patrica Stortz for 2025. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

The December 17, 2024 Council Meeting minutes were presented for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the December 17th minutes. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Water Superintendent Justin Bowman: reported that everything is going good at the water plant no issues to report at this time.

Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Province: reported that everything is going well at the Wastewater Plant. Jeff stated that he would like the Council to consider replacing the 2008 Ford truck the truck is having some issues  and a newer truck would be more reliable. Council member Michael Johnson made a motion to get bids for a truck. Council Member Darwin Miller second to motion. Motion carried 5-0

Street Department Vince Hall: reported everything is running well. Still waiting for update on the radiator for the leaf vac. It was asked if the Dump Truck needed to have the seat replaced, Vince reported the seat is in bad shape but he could get by. Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion to get the seat replaced in the Dump Truck. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion Carried 5-0.

Town Marshal Jared Baer: reported that everything is going well. Marshal Jared Baer requested that for the Police Department holiday schedule for 2025 they move the December 26 Holiday to December 24. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the request for the Holiday change for the Police Department. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Marshal Jared Baer asked for SRO officer Arron Page to receive vacation time for 2025 based off a one-year employee status. No decision was made at this time.  

Town Attorney Jacob Ahler: reported that he has drafted an easement for the water line at 9707 US 24 Wolcott, IN.    

Clerk Treasurer Judy Thomas: Judy Thomas read an email she received about a sewage pretreatment ordinance stating a local limit for oil and grease. Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Province stated that he is working with Ken Smith on this sewage pretreatment ordinance. Judy Thomas informed the Council of a business owners request for no parking signs for snow removal on East Market Street. Judy Thomas stated that a resident had concerns about the ditch clean out and that was still not flowing. Jeff Province said that he talked to the guys working on the ditch and they will be coming back to dredge the ditch in the spring.   

The Council appointed representatives for the following:

KIRPC – Janet Gross

White County Economic Development - Michael Johnson

RWCDC – Michael Johnson

Area Plan – Betty Hoster

Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to appoint the representatives. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Donations: Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion to donate $3,000.00 each to the following Mainstreet committee, Summer Festival committee, Wolcott Psi Iota Xi, Remington Wolcott Community Development (RWCDC), White County Economic Development. Council Vice President Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 5-0. 

Council Meetings 2025: The Council discussed Council meetings for 2025. Council Vice President Betty Hoster made a motion that the Council will meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month for 2025. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motions carried 3-2.

Old Business: Repair on service pump at water plant, Justin Bowman said he will call to check on this. Security Cameras at the water plant and wastewater plant, Jeff Province said he will check into getting some blink cameras for the wastewater plant. It was discussed to also get a camera to put at the gate for the water plant.

New Business: Water Superintendent Justin Bowman suggested that the town check into fuel cards for the town employees and police department and getting rid of the fuel tanks out at the plant. It was discussed that this may be an easier way to track fuel usage. Justin Bowman will work with Marshal Baer to get more information on this. 

Council Member Darwin Miller brought up the decorative street lights on 24 and Market Street, 5 lights have been out in the last 3 months and 2 lights are out right now. He spoke with D&K Electric about the cost of replacing them as they go out vs doing them all at once and it might be more cost effective to replace them all at once. Council Vice President Betty Hoster made a motion to get bids

Michelle Brzyckie from bright speed presented a fiber optic internet project that they would like to do in the Town of Wolcott. This would bring another option to resident for high-speed fiber internet. This fiber build would be 94% aerial. She will be working with Clerk Treasurer Judy Thomas on the town’s requirement for bonding insurance for this project.  

Resident Concerns or Questions: Jason Stoller ask about the noise ordinance he is having issues with a loud barking dog at all hours of day and night. Marshal Jared Baer advised him to call the non-emergency number when the noise is occurring, he stated that the resident in violation will be given a warning and then will be ticketed if violation continues.   

Meeting adjourned.



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