Council Meeting
July 2, 2024
6:00 pm
Present: Council President: Cameron Emond, Vice President: Michael Johnson
Council Members: Darwin Miller, Betty Hoster, Rex Pearson
Clerk Treasurer: Judy Thomas, Utility Clerk: Breanna Plantenga, Deputy Clerk: Karie Holder
Wastewater Superintendent: Jeff Province
Town Marshal: Jared Baer
Town Attorney Jacob Ahler
Other: Chloe Dickson, George Matthew, Daryl Orns, Angel Reed, Andrew Rouley, Janet Gross, Steve Young, Patty Furrer, Marilyn Maxwell, Michelle Earney, Kenneth Burns, Sandy Miller, Janell Hofstetter
Council President Cameron Emond opened the Council Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The June 18, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes were presented for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the minutes. Council Member Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Wastewater Superintendent, Jeff Province, notified the council that he has gotten in touch with a rep for his UV light issues, at the plant. Supplies have been ordered to fix the UV light. Town Attorney Jacob Ahler has written a letter for Commonwealth, holding them responsible for the issues at the Wastewater Pant.
Town Marshal Jared Baer announced that the SRO Agreement can be signed by the council, once the School Board approves it. Jared stated that he has received seven applicants for the SRP position, so far.
Fire Chief Kenneth Burns expressed thanks to those that assisted in the house fire, in town. Kenny also expressed concern over the state parking their trucks and machinery at the fire station, without permission.
Sandy Miller, RWCDC, shared that the Senior Café will be on Wednesday, July 17th.
Michael Johnson, WCED, said that the county has received a new lead for the Commerce Park. Michael followed up by stating that WCED’s focus has shifted to new housing. Th town is still waiting on the disbursement from the READI Grant.
Michelle Earney, Wolcott Summer Festival, reported that they are ready for the festival this week.
Janet Gross, Mainstreet Committee, gave a report on some events that they are planning. Mainstreet is currently in the works on planning the Holiday Bazaar.
Town Attorney, Jacob Ahler, brought up the contract for SURF Internet for discussion. After some discussion, Council Vice president Michael Johnson made a motion to approve the contract for SURF Internet. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Jacob also presented the letter to Commonwealth, asking for Commonwealth to pay for the repairs made at the Wastewater Plant. Council Vice President made a motion to approve the letter to Commonwealth. Council member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Judy Thomas, Clerk Treasurer, announced that there will be a meeting held with SURF Internet at 11am on July 15th for the Ground Breaking Ceremony. Judy also reported that the Annual ILMCT Conference went well, and the office employees learned a lot. Wessler Engineering wants to schedule a meeting with the Council to speak with them about possibly working together in the future. After some brief discussion, it was decided that the meeting will be held on July 15th at 9am. Judy brought to the Council’s attention that two of the Town’s HIFI accounts have become dormant. Judy and the Council discussed making the General checking, Water checking, and Wastewater checking accounts, HIFI accounts. Judy also discussed how the Wastewater checking account is very low in funds. After much discussion, Council Vice President Michael Johnson made a motion to transfer $32,955.53 from the Wastewater HIFI account, into the Wastewater Checking account. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Council Member Darwin Miller also made a motion to make the General checking, Water checking, and Wastewater checking into HIFI accounts. Council Vice President Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Province told the Council that he starts his classes on July 25th, for his Wastewater License test.
Town Marshal Jared Baer notified the Council that he will need to work on making a salary ordinance for the SRO position.
Ken Smith stated that the money from the Community Crossing Grant will be in the town’s account at the end of July. Paving will start at the beginning of August. Ken said that he is wanting to send a survey out to all of the town residents. All survey responses may be dropped off at the Town Hall. Council Vice President Michael Johnson made a motion for Ken to send out a survey. Council member Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Resident, Angel Reed, expressed concerns over drainage issues on the North West side of town. These issues are stemming from a previous project in town, that was not done correctly.
Resident, Brian Dowell, confronted Council Member Darwin Miller about edging his sidewalk, without his permission, and not cleaning up the mess left behind.
Andrew Rouley, TriTech Construction, approached the Council about supplying water to INARI. INARI would be paying to run the water line out to the business. After much discussion, Council President Cameron Emond told Andrew that he will speak to Water Superintendent Robert Thomas about the issue.
Resident, George Matthew expressed appreciation for the stop signs that have been placed at the Homer Land intersections.
Meeting adjourned.
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