Cameron Emond, Council President Jerry Lietz, Council Vice President
Darwin Miller, Council Member Rex Pearson, Council Member
Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater Robert Thomas: Water/Street
Marshal Jaerd Baer: Robert Bellucci
Kenneth Burns: VFD Jenell Hofstetter, Resident
Emmy Wang Summer Fest Shannon Holup
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer
Marilyn Young, Main St Committee Julia Boyd
Mark Bachman, Resident Breanna Wood, Utility Clerk
Abby Ewen, Deputy Clerk Sandra Gross
Rick Bennett Steve Young
Betty Hoster Sandy Miller
John Cannon
Michael Johnson, Council Member
Opened with the pledge to the flag.
Approve minutes or memoranda of the following meetings:
Approve the Financials for July 2022
1. Department Heads reports:
Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater-Things are going well with the changeover. Will be flushing Hydrants within the next week.
Robert Thomas: Water/Street- No report
Marshal Jared Baer: Town Marshal-Will be enforcing ordinances and writing tickets. Will be
Understanding. Handed out his monthly report
Lori Bussell: Park Board- no report
Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director-Residents need to have house numbers. Asked Jared to send a letter
and put it in the next newsletter
Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department-NIPSCO is not wanting to pay for the damage done to the
electric at the fire department. Still working to try to get the money back
Sandy Miller- RWCDC and Food Pantry- Things are going well. Getting a new Generator for the Clinic.
Next RWCDC meeting will be June 15
Jenell Hofstetter KIRPC-No Meeting
Michael J Johnson: WCEDC- No Report
Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee- The County is going to utilize the land fill.
Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- Festival is falling into place. They are happy to be
Working with Marshal Baer
George Blissett: Main St Committee- They are going to have mannequins dressed as service men at the
Sign, Dedicating a bench in the name of a resident, putting Pot People downtown, Shop Galore on 24 and
Plans for a Chicken Noodle Dinner
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- Proposed to get an easement survey for Janell Hofstetter’s land.
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- Talked about the Conference and Vacation.
Old Business:
Rob Bellucci Commonwealth:
Rob has a PPA for TCI and monthly invoice that will need Town approval. WWTP Construction mtg is tomorrow. Change Order No 1 is being drafted.
Rob still needs to meet with F&K to get their price for finishing the WM tie in between Farney and Janell. That quote will also include the remaining hydrants and removal of the line and hydrant on Janell (assuming the Town formally approves tonight).
Startups at the WWTP going well and we are transitioning to demo of the old plant.
Invoice #8 Needs approved for payment $380920.99.
Change order #1 Needs approved for the amount of $49,774.28
Had to change inspectors for the Construction. Rob asked that the Council approve the change and to
Approve Mike as the inspector. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to approve the change in the inspector. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion Carried 4-0
Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion Carried 4-0 Council Member Michael Johnson was absent.
TIF: Approval for the committee. Committee Members are Shannon Holup, Shay Balchunas, Brandi Schemerhorn and Michael Johnson.
Council Member Darwin Miller Made the motion to approve the committee members. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0
John Cannon representative of Attorney General Todd Rokita: The attorney General’s office has 400 attorneys working on Phone scams. There are 800 billion Phone scams a day. The General Attorney’s office has been able to stop 100,000 so far. They have their work cut out for them. The Office also handles unclaimed money for the state. The Attorney General is also suing the Biden Administration for $500,000 over the border wall.
The General Attorney’s office is also working on Medicaid and Medicare fraud. This type of fraud is getting to be a large problem. They are also covering Consumer Protection and Cyber Security.
EDP Corporation: Mr. Bennet gave a presentation on the Wind and Solar farms. There are 200 billion wind and solar farms. They are going into the 3rd phase of the wind farms here in White County. One of the things that EDP has done for White County is, put a new Fire Truck in Reynold’s. They presented an agreement with Wolcott. The Council is to take it into review and vote in the next meeting.
Mowing of abandon houses in town. Council Member Darwin Miller wants to mow the grass. It is an ordinance violation. Town attorney Jacob Ahler is going to be sending Marshal Baer a templet for abates.
Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett: Proposed to stop using Sound Advice for our IT due to them raising their fees. Pamela Suggested that we hire Hayden Baer for IT. Pay him $15.00 an hour. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to hire Hayden Baer for IT. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion Carried 4-0
Roots Eatery would like the parking stripes and handicap parking repainted. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to have the painting done. Council Member Rex Pearson Second the motion. Motion Carried 4-0.
Marshal Jared Baer would like for Overtime be made into comp time for the Marshal’s Department. The Council asked that he write a policy for the change.
Baker-Tilley: The state is doing away with Utility Regulatory Tax. Need to have a rate study done to determine the difference and do an Amendment for the change. Tabled until July Meeting.
Tree Amendment: Want to amend the Ordinance to say that dead trees are to be removed and taken to the Compost bin. Can call NIPSCO to come and cut down the trees that are dead close to their power lines.
Shannon Holup: Requesting that a snow route sign be put up in front of her business. Council President Cameron Emond asked Bob Thomas to order two of the signs.
Council Member Rex Pearson Made a motion to go to two meetings a month. One to take care of Financials and one for Legal matters. The meetings will be the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to adjourn. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0