Council Meeting
March 19, 2024
Present: Vice President: Michael Johnson
Council Members: Darwin Miller, Betty Hoster, Rex Pearson
Clerk Treasurer: Judy Thomas, Utility Clerk: Breanna Plantenga, Deputy Clerk: Karie Holder
Water Superintendent: Robert Thomas
Street Department: Vince Hall
Town Marshal: Jared Baer
Other: Kenneth Burns, Janet Gross, Sam Pinkerton, Talaina Pinkerton, Janell Hofstetter, Chloe Miller, Alexander Robertson, Marilyn Maxwell
Absent: Council President: Cameron Emond, Town Attorney: Jacob Ahler, Wastewater Superintendent: Jeff Province
Council Vice President Michael Johnson opened the council meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The February 2024 financials were presented for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the February 2024 financials. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Water Superintendent Robert Thomas reported that there was an issue at the Wastewater Plant, that has been repaired. Robert also mentioned that there was a plugged tile, that they fixed. There was a new meter placed at the apartments downtown, that will hopefully help with the water pressure issues for the residents.
Town Marshal Jared Baer sent the Council some estimates for new cameras for the Police Department. Jared also reported that the new police truck is finished.
Council Member Darwin Miller presented the idea of having a town wide Spring Cleanup, this year. Town Marshal Jared Baer volunteered to get estimates on dumpsters.
Acting Ambulance Director Sam Pinkerton, reported that the ambulance department has had 17 runs and 7 refusals. Sam stated that he will be gone for one week at the end of March. Cody Runk will be filling in for Sam, while he is gone.
Fire Chief Kenneth Burns announced that he is preparing for the eclipse traffic.
Council Vice President Michael Johnson reported that the Senior Café will be on March 20th.
Marilyn Maxwell, Mainstreet Committee, announced some upcoming events in town. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt at the park, on March 30th, Town wide Garage Sales on May 4th and 5th, and the Ladies' Tea on May 18th.
Clerk Treasurer Judy Thomas stated that she has been working with Suzy Bass to get the 2023 year closed out. Judy also said that she is looking into a possible USDA loan owed by the town. Judy announced that there is an upcoming INDOT meeting, and there has been a request for a Wolcott representative to attend. There will also be a meeting with Jim Morris regarding the information on fiberoptic internet coming into town.
Janell Hofstetter brought to the Council’s attention that there is a hydrant that needs removed on her property. Water Superintendent Robert Thomas will be working on getting that removed.
Marshal Jared Baer said that there will be some county roads being repaired with chip & seal on May 4th.
Meeting adjourned.