Council Meeting
March 5, 2024
Present: Council President: Cameron Emond, Vice President: Michael Johnson
Council Members: Darwin Miller, Betty Hoster
Clerk Treasurer: Judy Thomas, Utility Clerk: Breanna Plantenga, Deputy Clerk: Karie Holder
Water Superintendent: Robert Thomas
Wastewater Superintendent: Jeff Province
Town Marshal: Jared Baer
Town Attorney: Jacob Ahler
Other: Daryl Orns, Mark Bachman, Susan Bachman, Marilyn Maxwell, Jerry Lietz, Larry Klink, Conner Ross, Sam Pinkerton, Michell Earney, Janet Gross, Kenneth Burns, George Matthew, Sandy Miller, and Janell Hofstetter.
Absent: Council Member Rex Pearson
Council President Cameron Emond opened the Council Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The February 6th and February 20th were presented for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the February 6th and 20th Council Meeting minutes. Council Member Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Province stated that the polymer tank will be in on Monday.
Water Superintendent Robert Thomas reported that he is working with Brian Furrer to get a new meter in at the apartments downtown, to help with some water pressure issues.
Town Marshal Jared Baer reported that the new police truck is almost finished. Jared notified the Council that the new truck is in need of cameras. After some brief discussion about purchasing cameras, it was decided that the issue will be tabled until the next meeting.
Sam Pinkerton reported, on behalf of the Ambulance Department, that everything is going well. Sam did state that the ambulance is shorthanded, at the moment, but that they are pushing through.
Sandy Miller, from RWCDC, announced that the next Senior Café will be held on March 20th, at 5pm. The next RWCDC meeting will be on Tuesday, March 12th.
Michelle Earney stated that the Wolcott Summer Festival committee will be hosting a fish fry fundraiser on April 19th.
Janet Gross, Mainstreet Committee, announced that there will be warm welcome baskets for new home owners, and informative folders for new renters, in Wolcott. Janet also stated that Mainstreet has been working to give all of the 4th grade students Bobby the Wonder Dog books. Donations were given by the Bank of Wolcott and Farney’s Service Center. The Mainstreet committee will, also, be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt at the park, on March 30th!
Clerk Treasurer, Judy Thomas, notified the Council of an issue with house numbers not being on homes. House numbers are needed for emergency officials, in the event of an emergency. Judy also stated that she is working on getting Bank Recs reconciled from 2023. Judy has called Suzy Bass, and has been working with her to get 2023 closed out. Judy has also discovered a Wastewater loan in the amount of $1976,000.00 that is still owed by the town. After some discussion, the details of this loan will be looked into further.
Jim Moore, from SURF Internet, presented bringing fiberoptic internet into Wolcott. The fiberoptic will be 2-3 ft in the ground. This will not cost any extra money for the town to be installed. If residents choose to partake in this service, it will provide faster and cheaper internet for homeowners. Jim stated that there would be no contracts or extra fees for the customers. After much discussion, it was decided that the Council will discuss this subject with Jim further, at a later date.
Council President Cameron Emond presented an invoice for sewage cleanup at a residential property on Scott Street, caused by the town. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to pay the invoice. Council member Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Water Superintendent Robert Thomas reported that the brown water issue is being worked on. The Town is currently in the process of getting the media changed at the water plant.
Council Vice President Michael Johnson discussed getting the TIF District meetings started back up. After some discussion, Town Attorney Jacob Ahler stated that he will be contacting Rebecca Trent about restarting the meetings.
A concerned resident brought to the Council’s attention that there needs to be a stop sign on Homer Lane.
Metting adjourned.