Council Meeting
August 3, 2021
6:00 p.m
Town Hall
101 W North Street
Present: Council President: Michael Johnson Other:
Council Vice President: Cameron Emond Mike Urband
Council Member: Jerry Lietz Annette Sipkema
Council Member: Rex Pearson Jerry Deno
Council Member: Darwin Miller Karen Deno
Utility Clerk: Breanna Wood George Blissett
Clerk Treasurer: Pamela Bennett Janell Hofstetter
Town Marshal: James Herre Rick Bennett
Town Attorney Jacob Ahler Michel Marchand
Water Superintendent: Robert Thomas
Wastewater Superintendent: John Emond
Fire Chief: Kenneth Burns
Council President Michael Johnson opened the Council Meeting with the Pledge to the flag.
Wastewater Superintendent John Emond reported that the old wastewater plant is still doing 80% of the waste work, through the construction. John also reported that the plant is running great.
Council President Michael Johnson announced that the monthly construction meeting, for the plant, would be on Wednesday, August 4th at 10am.
Water Superintendent Robert Thomas reported that the broken well is getting fixed.
Town Marshal James Herre presented his monthly report and announced that one of Wolcott’s deputies has resigned.
Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett reported that Wolcott Ambulance Director, Steve Young, had told her that the ambulance crew is having a hard time finding house numbers when they are on their calls. The Town asks that all houses in Wolcott provide house numbers on the front of their houses, in case an ambulance is called to the address.
Janell Hofstetter reported that KIRPC will be sending out a Covid-19 survey.
Council President Michael Johnson reported for White County Economic Development. Michael stated that Monticello will be opening their new Town Hall in September 2021.Michael also reported that Reynolds had a ribbon cutting ceremony for the blimp, and that the blimp was sent into the air.
George Blissett reported on behalf of the Mainstreet committee. George stated that the EPA inspected the old liquor store property. The EPA said that there was no residual contamination left on the property. The building should be cleared by the 15th of August. Once the building gets cleared, the committee will begin making repairs to the building.
Town Attorney Jacob Ahler reported that he spoke with The Town of Reynolds’ attorney. They came up with an agreement to allow Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett to provide her assistance in the town of Reynolds, as the part time Clerk Treasurer. Council President Michael Johnson asked Pam if she could clarify to the Council what she will be doing in Reynolds. Pam explained that Reynolds’ Clerk Treasurer had resigned. Pam said that she went over to assist Reynolds during their budget time until they could find someone to fill the position. Unfortunately, no one in Reynolds has stepped up to be the Clerk Treasurer. Therefore, Pam has agreed to fill the position until the current term is over or until someone applies for the position. Pam will be working for Reynolds outside of the Wolcott Town Hall office hours.
Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett asked the Council how much money they would like taken out of the general account for the payroll account, and how much they want taken out of wastewater to start the wastewater construction account. After little discussion, Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to put $10,000 into the payroll account and $1,000 into the wastewater construction account. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett also announced that she spoke with the bank in regards to increasing the credit card amount for the food pantry. The bank has advised the Town to get a debit card for the food pantry account, rather than increasing the credit limit. After little discussion, Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to get a debit card for the food pantry. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Council President Michael Johnson presented the July 2021 minutes for approval. Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to approve the July 2021 minutes. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Council President Michael Johnson read a report from Robert Bellucci, in his absence. The report stated that the Dollar General water extension project is currently waiting for a final INDOT permit. Once the permit is received, the contractor will be ready to mobilize. It is estimated to take 5-7 days to complete the work.
Annette Sipkema presented amendment #66 for Council approval. The amendment states that the zoning for windmills and solar panels will be changing from two miles from the town/city line – to one mile and from one mile from the town/city line – to half a mile. A resident expressed their concerns over the windmills being allowed to be closer to town because it will prevent the growth of the town. After much discussion, Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to approve the amendment. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Utility Clerk Breanna Wood presented a proposal to the Council for a new Town website. Breanna explained to the Council that the current website is no longer allowing her to make updates to the page without the website crashing. Breanna reached out to Dan Weerts to redo the town website. The Council was then presented with an estimate, from Dan Weerts, with the amount ranging from $2,250 - $3,750. After little discussion, Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to pay up to $3,750 for the new website. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett presented the Witko compliance benefits for approval. Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to approve the compliance benefits. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion.
Water Superintendent Robert Thomas announced that they are having issues with people putting items in the compost pile that do not belong there. Wastewater Superintendent John Emond made signs to put out at the compost pile to let the residents know what is and is not allowed in the compost pile. However, there are still prohibited items being put in the compost pile. There were several ideas that the Council and Town employees came up with. After much discussion, there was no final decision made as to how they should proceed.
The bids were presented to the Council for the paving of North Street and School Street.
Company North St School St School St Other Total
(hwy-2nd St) (2nd St-4th St)
Central Paving $22,217 $12,843 $27,517 - $62,577 Milestone $51,900
Town & Country $23,290 $9,282 $28,730 $4,000 $65,302
After much discussion, the Council decided to hire Town and Country for the paving project. They were not the lowest bidder, however, they added in excavating and are willing to pave 20 feet rather than Milestone’s 18 feet. Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to accept Town and Country’s bid. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Two residents expressed their concerns over difficulties after heavy rain. They reported that when the town gets a lot of rain, they are unable to do laundry, shower, and have issues with their toilets. There are other town residents that have this same issue. Water Superintendent Robert Thomas stated that the new wastewater plant and bigger pumps at the lift station should hopefully take care of the issue.
George Blissett informed the Council about a building on Market Street that has the roof caved in. George recommended that the Town send a letter requesting it to be fixed.
Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Vice President Cameron Emond second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.