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Minutes for the September 7, 2021 - Public Hearing/Council Meeting

Public Hearing/Council Meeting

September 7, 2021

6:00 p.m

Town Hall

101 W North Street

Present: Council President: Michael Johnson Other:

Council Vice President: Cameron Emond Janet Gross

Council Member: Jerry Lietz Robert Bellucci

Council Member: Rex Pearson Stacey Diener

Council Member: Darwin Miller Kimberly Wright

Utility Clerk: Breanna Wood George Blissett

Clerk Treasurer: Pamela Bennett Janell Hofstetter

Town Marshal: James Herre Rick Bennett

Town Attorney Jacob Ahler Michel Marchand

Fire Chief: Kenneth Burns

Council President Michael Johnson opened the Public Hearing with the Pledge to the flag.

Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett opened the Public Meeting by presenting the estimated 2022 Budget. After a few department heads expressed concern over not understanding the budget that was given, the Council decided to table the issue. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to table the 2022 Budget until it is more clear. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Council President Michael Johnson closed the Public Hearing and opened the Council Meeting.

Town Marshal James Herre announced that he could not get his monthly report due to one of the deputies being hospitalized. James also presented the Council with a proposal to hire a third full time officer to take over when he retires. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to hire Jared Baer as the new full time Town Marshal when James Herre retires. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Council President Michael Johnson reported on behalf of Water/Street Superintendent, Robert Thomas. Michael presented an estimate from BBC Brown to repair the leaf vac for $11,420.36. After much discussion, the Council decided to repair everything except the breaks and the axils on the leaf vac.

Fire Chief Kenneth Burns reported that the fire department is having some trouble with people burning in Town, when they are not supposed to be. Kenneth also reported that there are houses in town that do not have their house number on their houses. This makes it hard for the firetrucks and ambulance to know if they are at the right home or not, in an emergency situation.

Rick Bennett reported on behalf of the Summer Festival committee. The committee has voted to have the 2022 Summer Festival on Friday July1st – Saturday July 2nd.

George Blissett reported on behalf of the Mainstreet Committee that they will be having a Chicken Noodle Dinner fundraiser on Saturday, September 18th. The fundraiser will be held to raise money for the old Liquor Store building. George also asked the Council for permission to close Market Street on Saturday October 2nd for Mainstreet’s Oktoberfest. George had mentioned that there will be a small beer garden at the festival. There was some concern over shutting down Market Street during harvest season. George reassured the Council that he received permission from the Elevator to shut down the road whenever Mainstreet needs to. Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett suggested to George that he request permission from the School and the Medical Clinic to use their parking lot for parking during the event. Council Member Cameron Emond made a motion to close down Market Street on October 2nd for the Oktoberfest. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Town Attorney Jacob Ahler expressed concern over Mainstreet having a beer garden again, if the Town has an Ordinance against it. Jacob stated that he would like to see the Ordinance, if the Town has one. If the Ordinance prohibits alcohol, Jacob recommends that the Council listen to the ordinance, to avoid a possible lawsuit.

Robert Bellucci gave an update of the progress on the new wastewater plant construction project. Rob also announced that the next construction meeting for the wastewater plant will be on Wednesday, September 8th at 10am. Rob also presented a construction invoice to the Council for approval. Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to approve the invoice. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Council Vice President Cameron Emond expressed that he believes that the Town should get a cage made for the dump truck in order to use the woodchipper easier. After little discussion, Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to get an estimate for a wood chipper cage. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Ken Smith approached the Council to talk to them about how the TIF District works. Ken went over the rules and regulations about the TIF District and offered to have an executive meeting with the Council to discuss it further.

Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett announced that she had received a call from Comcast explaining that they have to do some digging in Town to put in new lines. Pam suggested that the Council come up with a “You break it, you fix it” agreement with Comcast in order to prevent the Town for being responsible, in the event that Comcast breaks something. Town Attorney Jacob Ahler agreed to drawing up an agreement between the Town and Comcast. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to table this issue until the Council is able to see the agreement. Council member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Council President Michael Johnson announced that the Council will need to decide when to have Trick or Treat in town. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to have Trick or Treat on Sunday, October 31st from 5pm to 8pm, and to allow the Town employees to serve hotdogs that night as well. Council Vice President Cameron Emond second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

A resident addressed her concerns to the Council about a dog runs loose often. The dog is never chained up, and there have been multiple complaints regarding the dog. The resident is concerned that another dog, or person may get injured form this dog.

Kimberley Wright introduced Stacey Diener to the Council. Stacey introduced herself as the Chief Deputy Prosecutor for White County. Stacey told the Council a little bit about herself and her background in White County. Stacey will be running for White County Prosecutor next year.

Council Member Darwin Miller expressed concern over some run-down houses in the area. Darwin asked Jacob if anything could be done about the houses/properties in town that are not appealing. After much discussion, it was decided that in order to do anything about these houses, there would have to be a formal complaint done through the Clerk Treasurer’s Office.

Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

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