Council Meeting
November 2, 2021
6:00 p.m
Town Hall
101 W North Street
Present: Council Vice President: Cameron Emond Other:
Council Member: Jerry Lietz Joe Rogers
Council Member: Rex Pearson Marilyn Young
Council Member: Darwin Miller Daryl Orns
Deputy Clerk: Abigail Ewen Tom Bennett
Clerk Treasurer: Pamela Bennett George Blissett
Town Marshal: James Herre Janell Hofstetter
Town Attorney Jacob Ahler Rick Bennett
Water Superintendent: Robert Thomas Paula Cape
Wastewater Superintendent: John Emond Lisa Landis
Fire Chief: Kenneth Burns Karen Evans
Baudilio Gonzalez
Jared Baer
Betty Hoster
Council Vice President Cameron Emond opened the Council Meeting with the Pledge to the flag.
Wastewater Superintendent John Emond reported that larger structures are underway with the Wastewater Plant project. They are continuing to bridge between the old plant and parts of the new plant. John has weekly updates with issues and resolutions.
Town Marshal James Herre presented his monthly report. Wayne Winkler is at the academy and Jared Baer is out temporally due to emergency surgery.
Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett stated that the food drive will take place November 17th. Boxes will be pre made and ready to hand out to families.
Janell Hofstetter has been in touch with Kirpc who is making a way for more grant opportunities.
George Blissett reported Halloween went well. There will be an update coming soon pertaining to the plans with the Gas Station. They are working with Kirpc to get a grant for 2022.
Council Member Jerry Lietz mentioned the BBQ food vendor that has been selling in town. George Blissett provided information pertaining to them and Joe Rogers added that the vendor needs to get a permit.
Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett presented overtime to be approved for Wayne Winkler during his time at academy. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the overtime. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Council Member Darwin Miller reported that trash pick up will remain on Thursdays after some confusion due to a mistake on Waste Managements end.
Council Vice President Cameron Emond presented the October 2021 Minutes for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the October minutes. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Council Vice President Cameron Emond presented the October 2021 financials for approval. Council Member Jerry Lietz made a motion to approve the October financials. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 3-1. Council Member Rex Pearson declined due to not reading the financials.
Council Vice President Cameron Emond brought up payment #5 of $652,862.59 for the Wastewater Project for approval. Council Member Jerry Lietz made a motion to approve the payment. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Water Superintendent Robert Thomas reported that the Dollar General line will be getting worked on soon after talking with Rob and Kevin.
Joe Rogers from WCAP presented the resolution of Ordinance #A67, Chapter 11 and 14. Council Member Jerry Lietz made a motion to approve the Ordinance. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett advised with Town Attorney Jacob Ahler to table an Ordinance pertaining to meeting conduct due to Council President Michael Johnson being absent.
Council Member Darwin Miller presented the idea of a part time street employee. Town Attorney Jacob Ahler stated that a job description is needed for State Board of Acts and for advertising of the position. The position needs to be legal work pertaining to the town and no private property. Council Vice President Cameron Emond advised the council to table the topic in order to have time to figure out the details. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to table the topic. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Resident, Marilyn Young, asked about limb pick up. Water Superintendent Robert Thomas stated that he has started chipping and taking it to Bio Town.
Resident, Baudilio Gonzales, advises other town residents to watch their belongings due to a recent stealing from his garage. Town Marshal James Herre has investigated the situation, but there is a lack of evidence. Marshal Herre took it upon himself to pull Mr. Gonzales into his office to continue the conversation in private.
Resident, Karen Evans, spoke for Bruce Blume and another town resident about their yards flooding every time it rains. Water Superintendent Robert Thomas stated that a line for sup pumps and drains was put in years ago and free hookup was offered to residents. Some residents refused the service resulting in this current issue. Karen asked Robert to talk to the homeowners about what needs to be done.
Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.