Council Meeting
November 6, 2024
6:00 pm
Present: Council President: Cameron Emond
Council Vice President: Michael Johnson
Council Members: Darwin Miller, Betty Hoster, Rex Pearson
Clerk Treasurer: Judy Thomas, Utility Clerk: Breanna Plantenga, Deputy Clerk: Karie Holder
Wastewater Superintendent: Jeff Province
Town Marshal: Jared Baer
Other: Larry Klink, Charles Ingram, Stacy Ingram, Janet Gross, Kenneth Burns, Ken Smith, and Janell Hofstetter
Absent: Town Attorney: Jacob Ahler
Council President Cameron Emond opened the Council Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The October 1, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes were presented for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the minutes. Council Member Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Province presented two quotes to repair the generator at the Wastewater Plant. Huston: $2,185.00 not including parts. W.W Williams: $4,470.00 including parts. After much discussion, the Council requested that Jeff get a quote from Moore Equipment. If Moore cannot do it, then the Council would like to hire W.W Williams to do the job. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to hire W.W Williams, in the event that Moore cannot repair the generator. Council Member Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Jeff also reported that the Town needs a Sewage Pre Treatment Ordinance.
Council Member Darwin Miller reported that there are two street lights out.
Council President Cameron Emond stated that he is not pleased with the new speed bumps in the park. Council Vice President Michael Johnson expressed that the Park Board needs a representative to attend the Council Meetings.
Fire Chief Kenny Burns reported that the burn ban has been called off.
Janell Hofstetter stated that KIRPC has started the Safe Street project.
Darwin Miller, Mainstreet Committee, reported that the Holiday Market will be on November 16th.
The American Legion will be putting on a Veterans Day program on November 11th at 10am, at the Wolcott House.
Clerk Treasurer Judy Thomas stated that Jacob Ahler is working on getting a right of way written up, for the leak outside of town. Judy also gave the Council a complaint regarding a stormwater issue that needs fixed on West North St. Judy also brought up a complaint about a resident wanting stop signs put on the South side of Homer Ln. The Council denied the request.
A resident brought up a concern over the lack of snow route signs downtown.
Utility Clerk Breanna Plantenga presented a sewage adjustment request for a resident in town. The Council denied the request.
The Council discussed hiring a Water/Wastewater operator position. Council Vice President Michael Johnson made a motion to publish an advertisement for hire. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Ken Smith reported that the lead & copper surveys came in, and have been approved. Ken also stated that Town & Country has finished their work, so the Town can close out the Community Crossing Grant.
A resident expressed concern over sunken in manholes on the highway. This will be INDOT’s responsibility to repair.
Weekly stick pickup has ended, and weekly leaf pickup has begun.
Meeting adjourned.