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November 8, 2023 - Council Meeting

Town of Wolcott Council

November 8,2023

6:00 p.m.

Town Hall

101 W North St.

Present: Larry Klink, Judy Thomas, Janet Gross, Lori Bussell, Carey Jordan, Pam Jordan, Robin Foley, LeRoy Simon, Breanna Plantenga, Bob Thomas, Rick Fish, Jeffery Province, Kenny Burns, Steve Young, Betty Hoster, Jacob Ahler, Ken Smith, George Mathews, Rex Pearson, Darwin Miller, Jerry Lietz, Cameron Emond, Michael Johnson, Pam Bennett, Darrell Orns, Karen Deno, Jerry Deno, Nanette Whitmire. Jasmine Province,

Suzi Minnear, Libby Fontain and Kaden Schini.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Open Council Meeting:

Ken Smith: Ken gave an update on the progress of the road work. It has not been finished. Town and Country have until the end of November to finish.

Approve minutes or memoranda: October 17,2023 Council Member Rex Pearson made the motion to approve the minutes. Council Member Michael Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-1 Council Vice President abstained due to not being at the Oct. 17th meeting,

Approve the Financials:

1. Department Heads reports:

Robert Thomas: Water/Street-Wells were not communicating over the weekend, so Bob was on call all weekend to make sure they were running properly.

Marshal Baer: Town Marshal- There was a monthly handout given. JR’s car is having issues. Jarod is going to encumber money for a new car. He will be getting a quote.

Lori Bussell: Park Board-Project is almost finished. Windmill company has offered to put stone and sand next to the road to help with the finishing touches. Council Member Darwin Miller asked if they would put a barrier at the corner of 4th St. and the parking lot. Lori said that would have to be a next year project as she is over budget.

Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director-No Report

Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department-No Report

Sandy Miller: RWCDC-No Report

Janell Hofstetter: KIRPC-No Report

Michael J Johnson: WCEDC-Had Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Angel’s Embroidery. There is a jewelry store inside as well and there was ribbon cutting for that as well. The economical survey that the WCEDC said they could pay for is not 3500.00 it is 325,000.00. Was told to check with KIRPC to see about getting a grant.

Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee- on Oct 18th there was a meeting held in Monticello with the Area Plan. Indiana Beach built a building without the proper paperwork. When the inspector went to inspect the building, he was asked to leave. There is a lawsuit of White County vs Indiana Beach.

There is going to be a meeting about renewable and carbon energy. Jacob Ahler said that there is 4 counties coming together and consulting with an attorney to try to get this stopped. They are wanting to store some gas down below the water resources. This would not be in the best interest of the residents.

Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- No Report

Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee-Report given by Janet Gross. Holiday bazaar Nov 18th. They will be holding a Christmas contest again this year. The windows downtown will be painted for the holidays again this year. Brian Furrer will be donating the money for the contest and the windows.

Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- Asked about the annex of North and South of town. He was told that it has been put on the back burner for now.

Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- Resolution 2023-8-11- Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve the Ordinance. Council Member Rex Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Asked if the projector should be ordered and was told to go ahead and order it.

Old Business:

Chicken Ordinance: final reading. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to approve the Ordinance. Council Member Darwin Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-1 with Council Member Rex Pearson voting against.

New Business:

Pam Jordan: Blocked Alley- There is an alleyway that is obstructed, by piled wood and vehicles, at the corner of Scott and Burke. Pam has gotten a run around by the county and state. Marshal Baer said that he would take care of the issue.

CommonWealth: Jeff Fish Brown water. Jeff Fish explained the process of the backwashing of the water. It is backwashed three times, on Tuesdays, with 60 minutes between. Going to make it to where there will be 90 minutes. This should give the tank time to empty out to the wastewater plant and clear up the dirty water problem. It will take approx. 30 days to see a difference.

Remove Liens: property’s that participated in the housing grant. If the grant has not been removed from your home you can contact the Indiana housing division in Indianapolis.

Renewal of employee Health Benefits: Same policy. Increase $1235.80 per month. $14829.60 for the year. For a town our size this is one of the best policies. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to renew the Employee health benefits. Council Member Rex Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0

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