Council Meeting
October 15, 2024
6:00 pm
Present: Council President: Cameron Emond, Council Vice President: Michael Johnson
Council Members: Betty Hoster
Clerk Treasurer: Judy Thomas, Utility Clerk: Breanna Plantenga, Deputy Clerk: Karie Holder
Water Superintendent: Robert Thomas
Wastewater Superintendent: Jeff Province
Street Department: Vince Hall
Town Marshal: Jared Baer
Other: Pam Jordan, Carey Jordan, Daryl Orns, Janet Gross, Kenneth Burns, Leroy Simon, Robin Foley, Ken Smith, and Janell Hofstetter
Absent: Council Member: Rex Pearson, Darwin Miller, Town Attorney: Jacob Ahler
Council President Cameron Emond opened the Council Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The October 1, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes were presented for approval. Council Member Betty Hoster made a motion to approve the minutes. Council Vice President Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
The September 2024 Financials were presented for approval. Council Vice President Michael Johnson made a motion to approve the financials. Council Member Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Province reported that the Wastewater Plant is running well.
Town Marshal Jared Baer stated that he has received good feedback from Tri County regarding the School Resource Officer.
Utility Clerk Breanna Plantenga brought to the Council’s attention, that there is a resident that has requested a sewage adjustment for watering their grass, due to having to dig their yard up. Typically, the town does not allow sewage adjustments for watering grass. After some discussion, it was decided that the Council will wait to make a decision on the issue, at the next Council Meeting.
A couple of residents expressed concern over a drop off on Scott St and drainage issues. After some discussion, Water Superintendent Bob Thomas said that he will call our engineer and get the problem fixed.
Another resident expressed concern over smoke from their neighbor’s wood burning stove. After much discussion, the Council told the resident to speak with the Health Department and County Commissioners.
Meeting adjourned.