Town of Wolcott Council Meeting
October 18,2022
6:00 p.m.
Present: Absent:
Jerry Leitz Rex Pearson
Darwin Miller
Jeff Province
Marilyn Maxwell
Marilyn Young
Pam Bennett
Patrick Culp
Michael Johnson
Cameron Emond
Jarod Baer
Walt Owens
Breanna Wood
Bob Thomas
Abby Ewen
George Mathew
Open with the Pledge to the flag
Approve Financials: September claims. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the September claims. Council Vice President Jerry Leitz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Old Business:
ARPA Fund: Clerk-Treasurer Pamela Bennett proposed that the money that was allotted for the Blume-Miller project and old water plant be reallocated back to the ARPA fund. There is $30,000.00 in the Capital Improvements fund. Clerk-Treasurer Pamela Bennett proposed that the Council use the Capital Improvements Fund to pay for the projects. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to reallocate the money back to the ARPA fund and use the money in the Capital Improvements fund to fund the projects. Council Vice President Jerry Leitz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Blume-Miller project: Cowboy excavating summitted an estimate. After very little discussion. CouncilMember Darwin Miller made the motion to accept the estimate and get a contract from Cowboy Excavating.
Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Schuh Construction: Estimate and/or contract. Schuh Construction is going to do the work for the old water plant. Council Vice President Jerry Leitz made the motion to have Schuh Construction to move forward with the repairs on the old water plant. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
CommonWealth: Seeing if Thieneman will fill in drywell at the old water plant. Waiting on word from Rob Bellucci to see if Thieneman is will to do the job.
New Business:
Superintendent Patrick Culp: 2017 Referendum for the Tri-County School Corporation. Superintendent Patick Culp came to present the referendum. They have done a wonderful job with the referendum money.
In May of 2017, Tri-County community passed an Operations Referendum with a historic approval rate of over 91%. This referendum is helping to make our county school on the best in Indiana. The Cooperation made promises in 2017. They continue to keep those promises. Some of the promises are hours of research, conversations, interviews, meetings, phone calls, and surveys. In person meetings at Tri-County and a task force.
Promises fulfilled for the Jr/Sr high school are an additional Counselor, Separating the duties of Transportation/athletic director and assistant Principal. Increase staff, renovations on the Band/Choir room, Ag room, welding class, and the auditorium.
Promises fulfilled for TCP/TCI are full time Principal’s at both schools, Additional Elementary teachers, one instructional aide per grade level. Improvements to the outdoor appeal and maintenance of the facilities.
EX: outdoor lighting at TCP, Cameras at all buildings and repair chipped brick and siding.
Additional use of the funds. Additional Counselor at both TCP/TCI, Additional Special Education Instructor at TCI, and addition of an English-Language Learner Instructor. In total, referendum funds support 16 certified and 15 classified staff members across TCSC.
In addition to the staffing promises fulfilled, the Tri-County School Corporation promised and has kept the Referendum and debt Service tax rate neutral for our taxpayers. The Operating Referendum remains important to help ensure no deficit spending occurs within the district.
The additional funds from the Referendum provide our students with the most impactful instruction in our schools, when our students are successful, our Remington and Wolcott communities become more vibrant and thriving benefiting our property and business owners.
The Cooperation is trying for another referendum to start in 2023. They will be trying to not to have to raise the taxes for our communities. Tri-County is continuing to grow. In the past 4 years the enrollment has grown by 100 students. The classes are beginning to see 70 students currently.
Bathrooms at Town Hall: The bathrooms at the townhall need updating. The town has funds that we need to use by the end of the year. This fund is allotted to the upkeep of the Town Hall. The town will be updating both restrooms. Painting, New sinks and stools. There is also some ceiling water damage that needs attention as well.
We are looking for a Construction company currently.
Resident Walt Owens raised concern that he would like for 3rd St to be paved. In 2023 The town is seeking a grant to pave streets in town. The Council Will take 3rd St under consideration.
Brian Furrer has offered to donate garland for the town light poles for Christmas. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to follow through with the donation of the garland from Brian Furrer. Council Vice President Jerry Leitz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to adjourn. Council Vice President Jerry Leitz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0