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October 3, 2023 - Council Meeting

Town of Wolcott Council Minutes

October 3,2023

6:00 p.m.

Town Hall

101 W North St.

Present: Rex Pearson, Darwin Miller, Jerry Lietz, Darrell Orns, Ken Smith, Pamela Bennett, Sondra Gloss, Alen McCloskey, Breanna Plantenga, Jeff Province, Bob Thomas, Jared Baer, Michelle Earney, Betty Hoster, Judy Thomas, Robin Foley, LeRoy Simon, Jacob Ahler, Michael Johnson, Pat Powell, Janet Gross, Harrington Yelton, Jennilyn Kyburz, Abby Ewen, Kenny Burns, Larry Klink, Sandy Miller, Cameron Emond, Janell Hoffstetter and Ana Ehlinger.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag


Water Rates Ordinance: Council Vice President made the motion to approve the ordinance with the stipulation that if we get help for the water loss that the Ordinance will be reviewed for amendment.

Closed Public hearing

Open Council Meeting:

Approve minutes or memoranda: September 5 and September 19.2023. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve the minutes from September 5 and 19,2023. Council Member Rex Pearson seconded the motion. September 5 approved 4-0. September 19 approved 3-0 with Council Vice President abstaining due to not receiving the minutes.

Approve the Financials: August 2023. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve the financials. Council Member Rex Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0

1. Department Heads reports:

Robert Thomas: Water/Street- Water plant is doing well; Jeff Gross from CommonWealth is coming to check the water plant and see what is going on with the Brown water. NIPSCO is trimming trees and leaving all the branches to lay. Who is to clean up this mess? Council Vice President will make a call and see what is going on.

Marshal Baer: Town Marshal-Monthly report

Lori Bussell: Park Board-No Report

Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director- No Report

Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department- Next week is fire prevention week. The Fire Dept is going into the schools to talk about fire prevention.

Sandy Miller: RWCDC- Sandra DeLong is going to be the guest speaker at the next meeting. The meeting will in Remington for this month. There have been two grants applied for for the Senior Café. The Senior Café is growing more every month. If we get these grants, it will fund the café for a year.

Janell Hofstetter: KIRPC-No Report

Michael J Johnson: WCEDC-No Report

Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee-Meeting this week

Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- No Report

Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee- Sandy Miller reported for Main Street. The Chicken Noodle dinner was a success. Thank you to everyone that supported the Dinner. Holiday Bazaar is in the planning stage. Will be partnering with the Town for Halloween.

Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- Jacob has talked to Jared about the junk cars in town. He advised Jared on how to go about taking care of the junk car situation in town. Council Vice President asked about the advertisement of the $10,000.00 limit. Jacob advised that there is a $5000.00 cap to advertise if you are purchase land or acquire assets for the town. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz went on to ask if it is necessary for the advertisement to be in the newspaper or can it be advertised in a different manner. Jacob answered by explaining that it to be advertised in the newspaper within your town or if there isn’t a paper in your town the next town over.

Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer-Air Conditioner is fixed. There is speculation that the air vents in the attic are either not there or not hooked up. This is why the building is holding heat. Marshal Baer went on to add that there is no air flow in the building and that it was 64* outside and 81* in the building with no way to get relief.

Old Business:

Ken Smith-stump and tree invoice. Invoice for Civic Engineering. The stump and tree invoice has been taken care of by Town and Country. Invoice for Civic Engineering. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to pay the invoice. Council Member Michael Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Alen McCoskey- Are you going to offer the clinic to your employees so we can get signed up? There was a conscientious that the town of that they are not interested in joining the clinic.

Compost bin: ok invoice for an additional charge. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to pay up to $6000.00 for moving the compost bin. Council Vice President Jerry seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0

New Business:

Wastewater Consultant: when is the interview going to take place? Jeff said that he is talking to a couple of people about being the consultant, but nothing is set yet.

Jennilynn Kyburz area plan: amend ordinances. Amendment 10-3-2023-1 Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve the amendment. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0 Amendment 10-3-2023-2 Council member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the amendment. Council Member Michael Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0

Chicken Ordinance: Council President Cameron Emond did the first reading of the ordinance.

Resident comments:

Judy Thomas: said there were complaints about the office being closed due to the air conditioner being out.

Said she has gotten complaints about the minutes not being in the paper. Pam Explained why they were no longer in the paper. The minutes are no longer in the paper due to the paper not printing them as written but making a story out of the minutes and some of the “story” wasn’t true. Pam Talked to the Newspaper and was told that the minutes would be made into a story and not printed as written. The Clerk-Treasurer told Judy that it will be tried again to put the minutes in the paper. Town Attorney Jacob Ahler said that if people want to have the minutes all they have to do is ask for them or go on the website to read them. A lot of people do not have access to the web page but can come to the office and get a copy of the minutes.

Vice President Jerry Lietz: gave a talk about how the meetings should be conducted. That we work for the people. There is freedom of the press, we can’t tell the newspaper how they can write something unless it isn’t true.

Pat Powell: wanting to know if the water valves and manholes are going to raised. Ken Smith said that they are going to be taken care of within the next two weeks.

Harrison Yelton: Talked about how he can make our website user friendly. He was asked to have a quote for the Council at the meeting Oct 17.

Meeting adjourn.

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