WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Wolcott Municipal Sewer Utility to amend Ordnance No. 2007-02, to establish summer sewer rates for single-family residential dwelling units connected to the Wolcott Municipal Sewer Utilities.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Wolcott that Ordinance No. 2007-02 is hereby amended to include the following:
Summer Sewer Rates: A summer sewer rate is herby established for residential single-family dwelling users for water used during the months of July, August and September which does not pass through the sanitary sewage system of the user, as follows:
(1) If the quantity of water used by a residential single-family dwelling user in June, July, August and September is greater than the average consumption for the preceding months of October, November, and December, the user’s sewer service bill shall be based on the average water flow for the months of October, November, and December for water used on the property or premises subject to all other rates and charges; provided, however, that if no prior sewage service bill was rendered for such property or premises during said calendar year, then in such event the town may determine in such manner and by such methods as it may deem practicable, the percentage of metered water entering the sewage system and the percentages so determined shall constitute the basis for sewage service charges for the months of June, July, August and September.
(2) The summer sewer credit established herein shall not apply to a residential single-family dwelling user if the quantity of water used during June, July, August and September is less than or equal to the user’s average consumption for the preceding months of October, November and December.
(3) Domestic/residential sewage service (as applicable to the summer sewage rate) shall apply to each lot, parcel, real estate, or building which is occupied and used as a single-family residence. Said summer sewage rate shall not apply to any premises which are partially or totally used for commercial or industrial purposes including, but not limited to: hotels/motels, retirement/nursing home facilities, rooming houses, apartment complexes, resident training or educational facilities, or other commercial properties or housing groups of individuals.
DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of July , 2007 by the Council of the Town of Wolcott, White County, Indiana, having been passed by a vote 4 in Favor and 0 Opposed.
Robin D. Hensler, Council President Robin D. Hensler, Council President
Marsha L. Mackey, Member Marsha L. Mackey, Member
Danny L. Sheets, Member Danny L. Sheets, Member
Jon H. Evans, Member Jon H. Evans
Richard A. Lynn, Member Richard A. Lynn, Member
Linda S. Bajzatt, IAMC, CMC