Council Meeting
April 6, 2021
6:00 p.m
Town Hall
101 W North Street
Present: Council President: Michael Johnson Other:
Council Member: Jerry Lietz Robert Bellucci
Council Member: Rex Pearson Misty Herre
Council Member: Darwin Miller Jessica Dobbins
Utility Clerk: Breanna Wood George Blissett
Clerk Treasurer: Pamela Bennett Janell Hofstetter
Town Marshal: James Herre Marilyn Maxwell
Town Attorney Jacob Ahler
Council President Michael Johnson opened the Public Hearing with the Pledge to the flag.
Marshal James Herre reported that the two deputies, and himself, went to a conference to get their mandates.
Council President Michael Johnson announced on behalf of WCED, that there have been five new inquirers for the Commerce Park. Michael also stated that there will be a 90-foot-long blimp in Reynolds that will provide internet for surrounding areas. Areas within a 50-mile radius should have access to the internet.
George Blissett announced that there will be a Garage Sale Trail on Highway 24 on June 11-12. The trail will run through Reynolds, Wolcott, Remington, Goodland, and Kentland. To be on the map in Wolcott?s sales, residents will have to drop off $5.00 at Farney?s Service Center. The Market Street Days will be starting up again in May. George asked the Council to approve road blocks on Market Street for the upcoming Market Street Days events. The Council and George decided to discuss dates and details more at a later date. George also reported that the EPA will be coming to the old Liquor Store building. Mainstreet will be working on getting the building cleaned up within the next 45 days. George stated that the Pocket Park has an open grant. George informed the Council of plans that he has for beautifying the Pocket Park. The Council then had to remind George that the Pocket Park is owned by the Town, and not Mainstreet. George then said that they will take the grant money and put it towards the old liquor store building.
Town Attorney Jacob Ahler reported that he is looking into lowering the Developmental fees or the possibility of doing away with the fees completely.
Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett informed the Council of a company that can come to Wolcott with an infrared light to find waterflow underground. If a good source of water can be found, the Town could dig a well and would be able to supply water out at the Commerce Park. If the Town can supply the water to the Commerce Park, the Town would not lose any more water revenue to Remington. After much discussion, it was decided that this would all be discussed at a later date. Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett proposed that the Council allow her and possibly one of the office girls to go to a conference in South Bend. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to allow Pam and one of the girls to go to the conference. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 3-0. Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett reported that Kim Hensler is getting quotes for a new mower for the park.
Council President Michael Johnson presented the March 2021 minutes for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the March 2021 minutes. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
Robert Bellucci reported that the 4-inch waterline project on Second Street is complete. The Dollar General waterline extension project is now in the works. KMD Construction?s partial payment is $64280. When the job is done, they will get paid $51424.64. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to pay the contractor. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
Council Member Darwin Miller announced to the Council that there is a tile on North Fourth Street that is not draining water. The tile was supposed to be fixed by TGB Unlimited after their project was finished last year. Rob Bellucci said that he would get ahold of TGB, regarding the tile. Darwin Miller then introduced Josh Goddard from Cowboy Excavating. Josh reported to the Council that he had tried to get the water drained, but was unsuccessful.
Council President Michael Johnson read aloud Ordinance 2021-06 for approval. Council Member Jerry Lietz made a motion to approve Ordinance 2021-06. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 3-0. Council President Michael Johnson then read aloud House Bill 1381. The bill has not yet been passed.
Council Member Darwin Miller announced that he, along with Council Member Jerry Lietz and Council Vice President Cameron Emond, had driven around town on a golf cart looking for things that need to be improved in town. Darwin stated that he called Town and Country and Brian Musser in regards to the curb at the BP gas station. Both put in bids to fix the curb. Darwin, also, brought up that a semi that had rolled, resulting in the damage of some homeowners? yards. He suggested that the Town call someone to fix the damage, even though it is the homeowner?s responsibility. Darwin stated that he believes that the truck?s insurance company should ultimately pay to have that done. Marshal James Herre informed Darwin that it is the homeowner?s responsibility to file a complaint to the truck?s insurance company, and that the Town is not responsible for fixing other people?s property. James then asked Darwin why he asked one of the Town Police Officers for a copy of the accident report. Darwin explained that he believed that the accident report was information that the Town needed access to. Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett asked Darwin for a copy of his minutes from driving around town with Jerry and Cameron. Council President Michael Johnson informed Darwin that three or more council members meeting up is considered to be a quorum. Since there was no advertisement for a meeting, and no minutes were provided, it is considered an illegal meeting. Darwin then stated that Jerry and himself had mowed yards and asked if he needed to have minutes for that, too. Pamela told Darwin that since there was less than three people, no minutes were needed.
Misty Herre expressed her concern for pot holes on Johnson St, next to the BP. Council President Michael Johnson said that he would talk to Bob Thomas and look into getting the pot holes fixed. Misty also asked the Town Council if the curb sticking out on Market Street, by Bell?s Pizza, is going to be removed. She stated that it makes driving on Market Street difficult. Misty is concerned that it has become a hazard.
There have been questions regarding a current HUD grant for houses. The Council explained that the HUD grant was done quite a while ago, and announced that the liens on the homes involved are to be released.
Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.